
  • Landice provides a state-of-the-art, commercial-grade exercise unit designed to support the multiple needs of Sports/Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation facilities. Patients at any athletic level from student, amateur to professional will find physically holistic benefits and practical rehabilitative functionality on a Landice. In addition, the E9 Rehabilitation Trainer offers one of the only units to enable upper body as well as lower body exercise functionality.
  • From treating the most acute neurological or post-operative conditions, to training world-class athletes, the Landice Rehabilitation Treadmill is the world’s most versatile solution for rehabilitation, physical therapy and sports conditioning.
  • With its large running service and weight capacity, the L8 Rehabilitation Treadmill combines superior Landice craftsmanship with truly versatile rehabilitative, medical, and sports conditioning solutions. The L8 Rehabilitation Fully Optioned Treadmill includes these great features to give practitioners more flexibility and control, and to give users a more enjoyable experience.
  • Our Landice R9 recumbent bike offers a comfortable training option with superior back support. Our wide step-through design allows for easy access while providing a safe and practical exercise experience for all users. The R9 is built to specific Landice commercial standards to ensure quality, comfort and durability. The Landice R9 comes with one of the best warranties in the industry. The R9 is a self-powered machine that will complement any commercial application. Built with user in mind, the Landice R9 is a fitting addition to your exercise facility Convenient fingertip resistance controls allow for quick adjustments so you can maintain your position and focus on your workout.